Friday, December 10, 2010

Jingle Bells....for FFF

A merry gentleman sat
in the incense of roasted chestnuts.
He opened the local page of the
paper to find the obit about
Larry's grandmother getting
killed by a reindeer while
putting her Christmas cards
in the mailbox.
He got up to put a sympathy
card in the mail...
Then he heard the jingle bells.


  1. Me thinks the merry gentleman should drive said card to the post office drop box.

  2. Ok now that is hilarious.
    DUCK! I hear the bells!

  3. That's great! reindeer on a rampage-How many years have they been stuck delivering
    Christmas ??? I would go on a spree or two, also!

  4. And there we have a sequel

    Nice 55

    Have a great weekend - watch out for reindeer

    Moonie smiles

  5. Jerry...
    Perfect Seasonal 55 My Friend
    This was one of the best ones today.
    Thanks for playing, thanks for the smile, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

  6. hope you're not on your way to the mailbox 55


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