Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tinselate...for Friday Flash 55...try it in 55 words and link can do it...really

silver spaghetti
bunched up
lookin' like a brillo pad
there stands a tree
in the dunces corner
of our living room
with an angel cap
right between the computer
and an easy chair
like it wants to sit
or get on FB with
the other dress up ferns
It waits patiently for
warmth of tinselation


  1. tinselation...haha...adding a little sparkle could make the day of many...

  2. Ever since going to an artificial tree, we havent used the stuff.
    Makes for a great 55 though eh?
    Excellent job Jerry.
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  3. arent we all awaiting a little tinselation LOL!!

    not sure how you have time to blog...or anything else! nice blog, fun 55!

  4. Honestly, I've never pictured in my mind a brillo pad, but y' that you mentioned it, I'll never look at tinsel as pretty 'icicles' any more. LOL

    My 55 is posted!! Here is the link for you.

  5. lol! Perfect imagery! Poor tree - waiting there to sparkle! :)

  6. What a great word tinselation -- poor tree, now with holograms you can get a life size image of a fully dressed tree --- something like the yule log on T.V.
    You think the kids would notice?
    nice 55 though


  7. i have no idea what tinselation is and my translator doesn't know either..same with brillo...cryptic message for a german alien today...

  8. Okay, I give... what's "FB"?

    Let's hope the snow keeps a low profile here awhile longer, okay?

    Neat 55 Jerry!

  9. ha a brillo pad never thought of that
    happy decorating

    and have a great weekend

    Moonie smiles


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