Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just Enough

They cling on to bits
of remembering.
She needed help ordering.
He was reminded to pay.
They remembered just enough.

Senior coffee and a burger
as they sat ignoring everything
but each other.
The decades teach the wandering.
They remembered just enough.

Sitting with cold coffee
and hands pancaked one on top
of another and another.
Blood pulsing through age spots.
They remembered just enough.

Hair, gray as clouds,
and eyes  surrounded  by
folds and ridgelines
connected as they spoke softly.
They remembered just enough.

My sister stood by the register
and I stood by her invitation
into a moment of love
so retreated from the fray.
We pray to remember just enough.


  1. awww jerry - that was beautiful...so nice to see this in an elderly couple..i LOVE the pancaked hands...

  2. It makes me think that they remembered all the good stuff...

    Beautiful, Jerry.

  3. a piece that is full of texture.
    your poetry is live, fun, and entertaining.
    keep it up.


So, you made a little time to stop by. You are welcome any time...speak freely.